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Respiratory Infections

Delta Medical Clinic -  - Internist

Delta Medical Clinic

Internists located in Burleson, TX

Many people suffer from respiratory infections today, and the symptoms must be taken seriously if the problem is to be resolved. The staff at Delta Medical Clinic serves patients in Burleson, TX, helping them recover from all types of respiratory issues.

Respiratory Infections Q & A

What is a Respiratory Infection?

A respiratory infection refers to most of the signs of a common cold. The majority of respiratory infections are viral and will resolve on their own. However, some respiratory infections are bacterial in origin. Bacterial respiratory infections involve the sinuses and throat can result in serious problems like strep throat or pneumonia. In the case of bacterial respiratory infections, patients will need antibiotics to beat the infection and be well again.

How Are Viral and Bacterial Respiratory Infections Different?

The symptoms can be hard to differentiate, so it is very important to see a doctor who can determine whether the respiratory infection is viral or bacterial. When symptoms are fairly new (usually a week to 10 days) and include a runny nose, mild cough, and congestion, it may be more likely to be a viral infection. A viral respiratory infection will normally run its course within a couple of weeks maximum. While people with viral respiratory infections may have a fever, it is usually a fairly low-grade one. If the symptoms continue or even worsen after a 10 to 14 day period and the fever is higher than expected, the respiratory infection is more likely to be bacterial in origin. People suffering from a bacterial respiratory infection may also develop symptoms like a deep cough, stomach pain, and breathing problems. When symptoms like these are present, the doctor may make a pneumonia diagnosis with the help of a chest x-ray.

How Are Respiratory Infections Treated?

The treatment depends on the origin of the infection. In many cases, viral respiratory infections will resolve without medication, although patients may find that antihistamines can provide some relief. Bacterial respiratory infections are treated with antibiotics in most cases, but other medications like corticosteroids may be needed if the infection turns into pneumonia.

Major Insurance Providers Accepted

At Delta Medical Clinic, we accept most major insurance plans. Self pay patients are welcome. Here is a short-list of just some of the most popular plans we accept. For inquiries on specific insurance plans or pricing, please contact our office.

Blue Cross Blue Shield
First Health
Great West
Molina Healthcare
Secure Horizons
Superior HealthPlan